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Ottawa East Minor Hockey Association

Sharpen your skates, hockey starts next week!

2024-08-27 - OE U18 ALL

There's ice time just after Labour Day

Hello everyone,
Jennifer Williams here, U18 Convenor for Ottawa East. My son Tristan is in his 3rd year of U18 and I've had kids in Ottawa East for ages.

Here's the heads up. I don't have exact ice times yet, the ice is being confirmed in the coming day or two but I do know that we have ice starting next week. So get the skates sharpened and see if the equipment still fits!

We are running the beginning of the hockey season differently this year. The month of September will be mostly 4 on 4 for all of U18. There will be a max of 2 -4 evalation sessions/scrimmages and then the teams will be made. This will not happen until the end of September/early October.

As soon as I have the ice times I will let you know. More soon.


Used Equipment Sale Saturday September 7


First Ice and Used Equipment Sale


Preseason starts after Labour Day


The Annual Hockey Equipment Sale Is Coming Soon!
